Inline Fans

When it comes to indoor growing, you need to be careful about setting up the right ventilation system. For that, you need good inline fans, which serve to provide a regular supply of fresh air. What is an inline fan? It is crucial that you exchange the air inside your...

When it comes to indoor growing, you need to be careful about setting up the right ventilation system. For that, you need good inline fans, which serve to provide a regular supply of fresh air.

What is an inline fan?

It is crucial that you exchange the air inside your grow room or tent once every three minutes. An inline fan helps you do exactly that. It functions to bring in fresh air and exhaust air using intake and exhaust systems. It may be placed inside the ducts of your ventilation system or the hood of the air-cooled reflector.

These fans can also help you manage the humidity and temperature of your growing space.

How to select the size of your inline fan?

The most important thing to keep in mind when you size your inline fan is that its dimensions should be aligned with your ventilation system’s components since it will be placed inside its ductwork. For instance, for a 15” ducting, you will need a 10” inline fan. The same applies to sizing an inline fan for your reflective hood.

There’s one other aspect to consider. It is called cubic feet per minute (CFM) of your fan, which refers to how much air your fan can move in a given minute. Here’s how to go about this. Measure the cubic footage of your grow tent or room. For instance, if it is 50 cubic feet, you will need a fan rated 50 CFM since you need to exchange the air in your grow area once every 1-3 minutes.

What are the special features of inline fans?

Inline fans manufactured by the best brands come with additional features. For example, an inline fan may have a built-in speed controller, which lets you program the fan’s speed according to the growing space’s temperature and the photoperiod. In case your inline fan doesn’t have this built-in feature, you will require your own fan speed controller for the automation of this aspect. Another extra feature could be sound-insulated walls that reduce the fan’s noise significantly. This is great because you don’t want your grow room to be excessively noisy.

If you help with selecting the right inline fans for your grow area, we can help you out. Reach out to the experts at and explore our wide array of products! Remember, why work hard if you can work smart? Contact us now at 866-GRO-INDR! You can also visit our learning center to learn how to create the perfect environment for your plants.

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